Thanks for being here and finding me in this little corner of the internet.

My name is Laura.

I provide information and resources on a variety of themes, including travel, personal development, retirement, and aging. My content includes words, photographs, stories, and poetry.

As I approach retirement, I am faced with new challenges relating to an older demographic. Aging, mobility, finances and mental health to name a few. I want to explore these topics and share them with you as I encounter them.

My travel articles will take you on a journey of inspiration, through destinations, travel tips, and experiences. Whether it's finding the greatest food in your neighbourhood or sharing travel experiences from around the world, I'll equip you with the knowledge and how-to’s for navigating the world of travel.

With age and wisdom to guide me, Sunhats and Chardonnay is my way of sharing my experiences and observations as I build on my own personal path to become a better person and improve our lives as we age.

I’m on a journey and I’m thinking you are, too.

Will you join me on this journey of life?

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If you want to support this project but are not ready to make an investment, one of the best things you can do to help is to share my content and recommend it to friends.

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The content I am producing here is not something I take lightly; I'm putting my heart and soul into it, as well as my time. I believe writing is valuable and sharing a human perspective is important in a world of AI generated content.

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Exploring the adventures of self-discovery through travel, retirement and mid-life matters.


Where Wanderlust Meets Wisdom - Exploring the adventures of self-discovery through travel, retirement and mid-life matters.