Thanks for this excellent summary. I would like to add that The Science Museum in Kensington usually works very well for families with young children or prospective scientists.
Thank you for this. I was in London a little over a year ago with my sister, and it was fun to look back on all we did. Also, I lived there for a year, many many moons ago. This made me a bit homesick!
Yes. It fascinates me that it is so big and busy, too.
The first time I was there it was March. I was surprised at the number of people riding their bikes to work. At the stop lights, it was common to see 20 or 30 bikes waiting.
With a city the size of London and the expense, I guess it makes sense to use the bikes to get around. Now, with bike sharing, it is even easier to go and see something further away.
Thanks for this excellent summary. I would like to add that The Science Museum in Kensington usually works very well for families with young children or prospective scientists.
London is a spectacular place to visit. There is something extra special about Stonehenge that I think is just worth the trek of you have time.
Excellent summary in your piece and good tips.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for this. I was in London a little over a year ago with my sister, and it was fun to look back on all we did. Also, I lived there for a year, many many moons ago. This made me a bit homesick!
Yes, there is certainly a lot to do in London. So many pieces of history, culture and fun throughout its vast area.
We have been to London a few times, and every time the size of the city catches us off-guard. There is always so much news to see and do in this city!
Yes. It fascinates me that it is so big and busy, too.
The first time I was there it was March. I was surprised at the number of people riding their bikes to work. At the stop lights, it was common to see 20 or 30 bikes waiting.
With a city the size of London and the expense, I guess it makes sense to use the bikes to get around. Now, with bike sharing, it is even easier to go and see something further away.
Wait until you see the bikes in Amsterdam 😉. London will be child’s play then
Beautiful place!
Thanks. Until you have been there, you don't know how much there is to do.
And, it's so spread out!!
Some day...
Thanks for reading.
I know there are so many places to see.
I've been twice now and just scratched the surface.
For sure, things to do with families is a whole other topic.